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FileMaker Pro 2023 lets you create custom database applications using a set of design and development tools, including built-in templates. FileMaker utilizes robust security features and seamlessly integrates with centralized MIT resources, e.g., Data Warehouse and Kerberos authentication.

IS&T also provides FileMaker hosting and support services related to the use of FileMaker at MIT.

How to Obtain


FileMaker Pro 2023 is available via request to MIT faculty and staff for use on MIT-owned machines.

IS&T has a limited number of FileMaker Pro licenses available. A single license will be issued per user. FileMaker Pro and any associated applications/licenses may not be shared.

By using licensed FileMaker products, you agree to abide by the guidelines for using the MIT FileMaker license.


MIT faculty and staff: Request FileMaker Pro (Touchstone authentication required)


Securely storing data in FileMaker: If not properly configured and housed, the FileMaker files you work with may be at risk for security breaches.