The MIT ID uses your directory name which can be updated in WebSIS by students and Atlas by employees.
For Students
Current students can change their preferred “Directory Name” (first, middle, last) in the “Biographic Information” section in WebSIS. See the Registrar’s Office website for step-by-step instructions.
For Employees
Your MIT ID and the MIT Directory will display your legal name if you do not have a preferred name. To display a different name, you may either set a preferred “Directory Name” in Atlas or complete a legal name change.
To change your preferred “Directory Name” in Atlas:
- Go to Atlas
- Click on “About Me”
- Click on “Personal Information”
- Go to field “Directory Information”
- Click on “Edit”
- Fill out fields for “Directory Name”
- Click "Save"
Updating your ID
Updates are generally reflected in the system within 24 hours.
If you want a physical MIT ID card with your updated name, you can print one at a kiosk or obtain one from the Atlas Service Center after confirming the change is reflected in the MIT Atlas app or the MIT public directory.