IS&T offers the MIT Wiki Service to provide MIT groups and organizations with collaborative web spaces. Any MIT community group, project, or organization can request a wiki space.

Available To 
Students, Faculty, Staff, Affiliates

Benefits and key features

The MIT Wiki Service uses Confluence from Atlassian Software.


The MIT Wiki Service is intended for use by MIT academic, administrative, research, and student groups.

Getting started

Contact the Service Desk to request a new wiki space. Be sure to provide the following information:

  • Space title: the name of your wiki space (e.g., "Energy Savings Initiative")
  • Space key: a short alphanumeric string which becomes part of the space URL (e.g. ENERGYSAVINGS)

Get help: MIT Wiki Help Page | Confluence's User Guide

Access existing MIT Wiki spaces:

  1. Go to the MIT Wikis Dashboard, and click on the name of the space you want to visit, or search - some spaces may require permissions to view or edit.
  2. Click Log In to see the full list of spaces you have permission to view.
    For more information on permissions and access controls, see: Controlling Access to Your Wiki Space.

Note about support: Support is provided for creating spaces, setting up access control to spaces, and basic instructions and documentation on how to use a space. Since rules, page formats, and guidelines often differ from space to space, IS&T can only provide limited guidance to individual users. As a space administrator, you may need to assist your content creators as they get used to creating or editing pages in your space.