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Roles and Authorizations

The Roles Database stores access rules (user authorizations) for applications like SAP, Data Warehouse, and the Graduate Admissions System, among others. Specially Authorized Departmental and Central Administrators use the web-based Roles Database application to view and manage user authorizations.


Passwords protect and limit access to your personal data and to IT resources at MIT.

If your password is over a year old, you will be required to change it when you renew your MIT certificate(s). Note: IS&T will never ask you to send or reset your password via email.

Backup (Computer Backup)

Data is the most important aspect of your computer. Computer hardware can fail, data can be corrupted, computers can be lost, stolen, or destroyed. You may be able to reinstall operating systems and applications, but your original data could be lost forever. Data backup software can help you protect and restore your data when something goes wrong. IS&T provides two service offerings at no charge to students, faculty, and staff for data backup:

  • Desktops and laptops: CrashPlan PROe
  • Enterprise servers: Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)


An Athena locker is a directory (aka: folder) on the Athena filesystem. IS&T creates lockers for official MIT courses, UROP projects, student living groups, ASA recognized student activities and MIT organizations (including administrative offices, academic departments, programs, and lab or research groups).

Data Discovery

Data discovery is the activity of finding where sensitive data resides so that it can be adequately protected or securely removed. IS&T distributes Spirion (formerly Identity Finder), a software tool that can easily retrieve electronic data stored on computers and servers.

Computer Repair

Hardware vendors offer mail-in repair options for laptops. Non-portable computers can be serviced by authorized service providers. IS&T provides loaner laptops to be used while a device is out for repair. Details for MIT preferred vendors Apple, Dell, and Lenovo are listed below. Note: If your department has a DLC Direct agreement with IS&T, contact your IS&T support team first for assistance with mail-in repair of MIT-owned equipment.


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