
Thursday, May 11, 2023

On Monday, May 15, computers at MIT running version 10.4.1 of the Code42 backup application will be automatically updated to CrashPlan version 11. This update requires macOS users to grant full-disk access to the CrashPlan application in order to continue backing up successfully.

Two stacks of stickers showing the Lastpass logo
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

In August of 2022, LastPass suffered a security incident, which Information Systems and Technology (IS&T) has been monitoring. New as of March 1, 2023: LastPass has posted a new update on this incident with revised recommended actions.

MIT IS&T logo
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

IS&T is taking action to identify and address the cause of a series of wireless network disruptions that occurred following a series of recent updates made to improve the security and stability of MIT's IT systems.

MIT Wi FI onboarding portal
Friday, December 2, 2022

To help strengthen the cybersecurity of the Institute's infrastructure, the MIT and MIT GUEST wireless networks will be changing in January.

The words email classification followed by three radio selections: Phish/Suspicious, which is selected, spam, and unknown.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Scammers are getting smarter. Learn how to identify and avoid phishing attempts with these tips.

A woman wearing an M-I-T sweatshirt looking at her phone standing outside next to large M I and T letters. On the I are the words The Stata Center.
Monday, August 15, 2022

Get ready for your life on the MIT campus with these IT-related tips and resources.

A young man wearing a mask sitting on a stone bench in front of windows with an open laptop.
Monday, July 25, 2022

Find out about all of the software and cloud-based services you have access to while you’re an MIT student and how to access them.

A woman wearing an M-I-T sweatshirt sitting indoors at a table with an open laptop also looking at her phone. Other students are sitting at tables nearby using laptops.
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Here’s what IS&T recommends you do to be digitally secure at MIT.

Woman wearing an M-I-T shirt sitting on a wall outside of M-I-T with a laptop open on her lap.
Monday, June 27, 2022

Here’s information about the type of computer you’ll need as an MIT student, how to create your digital identity at MIT, and where to find key information about IT at the Institute.

Screenshot of Set your password screen in M-I-T Atlas mobile app.
Wednesday, June 1, 2022

If you work or study at MIT and need to change your Kerberos password, you have several methods to choose from.
